Friday, December 31, 2010

What is this all about???

Since our Cinco Blog isn't working is another one to try. Just if you want to and when you feel like things the Lord is teaching us that we want to share with each other. It is my goal to post every day this year, 2011. Will you hold me to it? Love you all!!!!

PS CINCO is still working....let's put up 1 favorite recipe before 2011 ends!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6:04 am

Well, I can see neither of us got here that early in the morning. My reason? Husband...6 am was the earliest I could get up this morning. Which was a good thing since Bentonian woke up 3 times on Sunday night. I was dead this morning but drug myself out of bed at 6:04 am because that is when the alarm went off.

Had a refreshing time in the Word--spent time in I Thessalonians after Mom's study last night simply because I could not find my MacArthur study Bible. It was on the night stand. Anyway...I can be up at 5 am if in bed by 10--so tomorrow's goal?!?? 5:30 am :-)

Let's do it!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tomorrow we begin...

It's almost 10 p.m. Headed to bed. 5 a.m. is the goal!