Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6:04 am

Well, I can see neither of us got here that early in the morning. My reason? Husband...6 am was the earliest I could get up this morning. Which was a good thing since Bentonian woke up 3 times on Sunday night. I was dead this morning but drug myself out of bed at 6:04 am because that is when the alarm went off.

Had a refreshing time in the Word--spent time in I Thessalonians after Mom's study last night simply because I could not find my MacArthur study Bible. It was on the night stand. Anyway...I can be up at 5 am if in bed by 10--so tomorrow's goal?!?? 5:30 am :-)

Let's do it!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tomorrow we begin...

It's almost 10 p.m. Headed to bed. 5 a.m. is the goal!