Saturday, December 1, 2012

A day in the life...

Well, clearly the Campbell ladies have not been alive at five since around February of this year. But, the good news is we have fewer wrinkles and smaller bags under the eyes due to an increase in hours of sleep. I have taken the responsibility to "Revive Alive at Five" by taking the time to share a little bit about my day. I hope someone reads this.

My day always begins with a French press (for all of you who were expecting me to say "the Bible"...well, that is how the day ends). I wake up, heat the water for four minutes, and then poor in my desired amount of coffee for a strong brew. I don't even have to measure the grinds anymore because I know that if the amount of grinds is more than the amount of water, it will be good.

After I make my coffee, I get ready for the day. This usually means I throw on my scrubs and fix up my hair. This usually takes me about twenty minutes because I have to re-find everything I misplaced the day before. I know I should put things back where they belong (I needed to put this in just in case Mom visits the blog), but some mornings I just don't have the will be to organized. The last thing I do is snap on my name tag and grab my therapy bag.

On the way out the door I usually remember that I need lunch. I run to the refrigerator, grab two cheese sticks, a yogurt, and an orange- then I leave (but not without grabbing my coffee).

When I get in my car I always turn on the heat. On high. You see, in an effort to save money on my heating bill- I try to keep to heat very low. Therefore, I abuse the heater in my car each morning in an effort to thaw from the chill of the previous night.

On the way to the clinic, I play the radio. I can generally be heard serenading myself with the top five hits or the latest country tune. Somedays I use my car time to catch up on phone conversations and sometimes I eat breakfast. Car time is one of the only times during the day where I know exactly what I am supposed to do and how it should be done. I embrace that.

The rest of the day flows on like a flooded river. Everything is muddy and blurred together. At the end of the day I arrive where I began- ready to prepare a decaf French press and sit in my comfy chair with a good book and my Bible. I am continually amazed at the grace God gives throughout this busy chapter that is truly His strength in my weakness.

So, what is your day like?

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